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Opening times this week:

I, Daniel Blake - Casting Call

I, Daniel Blake adapted by Dave Johns from the film directed by Ken Loach, written by Paul Laverty, and produced by Rebecca O’Brien for Sixteen Films.

Dan is a carpenter.  A Geordie through and through.  Just on the mend after a heart attack.

Katie has just arrived from London. Finally got a council house for her and the kids.  A fresh start.

I, Daniel Blake is one of the most important stories of a generation.  A glimpse behind the headlines and the stark reality of what happens when the political system is stacked against you.  With 14.5 million* people living in poverty in the UK, this is not fiction.  It is reality.

A touching and vital story of how people come together in the face of adversity and how sometimes creating a family to support you just isn’t enough.  The show is adapted for stage by Dave Johns who played Daniel Blake in the award winning 2016 film.

I, Daniel Blake is co-produced by Northern Stage, Birmingham Rep, Oldham Coliseum,  English Touring Theatre & tiny dragon Productions in association with Cardboard Citizens. It is also generously supported by the Sir Iain McKellen Foundation.

Writer – Dave Johns

Director – Mark Calvert

Set & costume design – Rhys Jarman

Movement – Martin Hylton


We are looking for an ensemble company who live or have a base within 25miles of Newcastle upon Tyne. Auditions will be held in Newcastle 14th – 16th February 2023 at Northern Stage. Online auditions and self tapes are also available on request. Closing date for submissions is 12pm on the Thursday 2nd of February. We aim to let artists know by Monday 6th February.

Rehearsals are scheduled to begin in Newcastle the 24th April with performances running from 25th May to 10th June (Newcastle), 24th June (Birmingham) and finishing on 9th July (Oldham).

Payments are within Equity rates of £561.06 per week plus holiday pay with touring allowance of £265 per week paid whilst on tour to Birmingham and Oldham.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with Mark Calvert at or Pippa Fox at



Age: 40 to 60

Accent: native Geordie / Newcastle.

DANIEL: has lived in Newcastle all his life working as a carpenter. He’d been caring for his wife Molly until she passed away. He has worked full time in construction until he suffered a major heart attack. He was signed on by his Doctor to sickness benefit.  But having been called in for a work assessment he is deemed fit for work and must fight the system.

Daniel is a working class man who believes in fair play and doing the right thing. There is a down to earth air about him and he is very approachable, has a genuine warmth and sense of humour and a quiet contained dignity.  He is an old fashioned craftsman.


Age 25 to 30

Accent: London

KATIE: is a native Londoner. A single mum with a 13yr old daughter Daisy. Katie is streetwise and presents a hard edge at times but has a hidden fragility. She is determined to do the best by her family. Katie has been living in a hostel with her family and has been moved by her local London Council authority to a flat in the North East of England without friends or family support.

Kate is slow to trust but is fiercely loyal and when tested can be surprisingly determined and resilient. Katie knows her own worth when tested.


DAISY: accent: London. Katie’s daughter (13-14). Daisy is school smart and has on old head on her shoulders. She’s fiercely protective of her mum and brother. She’s not precocious but there is a feel of knowing what’s going on about her. She’s very self resilient.

DWP OFFICIALS: working at the front line advising on Universal Credit & Job Seekers Allowance. Is trying their best under incredibly difficult circumstances. Is following protocols. Can appear removed. Is trying to do their job.

POLICE WOMAN: their father used to work with Daniel Blake. Is concerned and generous with their time.


CHINA: 20 to 25. Accent Geordie. China is a young Black British man who lives next door to Dan in a block of flats. Sick of working in menial jobs for low pay on zero hours contracts.  He’s a bit of a fledgling entrepreneur. Fancies  himself as a bit of a wheeler and dealer. He drives Dan mad with what Dan feels are crack pot schemes, rubbish outside his flat in communal walkway and noise. China is nobody‘s fool and him and Dan have a loving but exasperated relationship. They look out for each other.

China is resilient and knows his way around social media and computers. He wants to get himself out of struggling in life and on to better things.  He’s cheeky and has the gift of the gab. Is very likeable.

DWP OFFICIALS: working at the front line advising on Universal Credit & Job Seekers Allowance. Is trying their best under incredibly difficult circumstances. Is following protocols. Can appear removed. Is trying to do their job.

JOE: Dan’s mate from work. Easy going. Wants the best for Dan. Would always be there for him but doesn’t know enough about how the system works to help him in this situation.

Please submit or have your agent submit the following to by 12pm 3rd February.

  • Your full name/performance name (if applicable) and pronouns or how you would like to be referred to.
  • An indication of which role interests you based on the descriptions provided.
  • A link to your Spotlight page or CV
  • Any access needs you may have to audition, or if there’s anything we can do to make your time with us as comfortable as possible

Following the deadline the team will review submissions and invite selected applicants to meet us at Northern Stage on either the 14th, 15th, 16th February at Northern Stage, in Stage 3. We will try, as best we can, to work with your availability to accommodate as many artists as possible.

Unfortunately we will not be able to see everyone who submits so will create a shortlist on suitability demonstrated through the above breakdown.