Culture Club - Holly - Bright Places
On 15th October I went to Northern Stage to watch a play called ‘Bright Places.’ I went in not knowing much about Multiple Sclerosis (MS), about once upon leaving the show I had learnt so much and empathised with people who experience hidden disabilities such as MS.
The play is about a young 23-year-old woman’s experience and life story about being diagnosed and dealing with MS. A one woman’s show but performed by 3 women. Written by Rae Mainwaring as an autobiography. A play with a serious topic making awareness of Multiple Sclerosis but with an aspect of comedy to lighten the mood and to the show.
When walking into the production I was intrigued as there was not many props or backdrop, it was just small space of a stage brightly lit intriguing me, wondering how it’ll start and what I’m going to watch. Watching this creative throughout play, really made me aware of struggles anyone can be hiding in public. We should never judge a book by its cover. My favourite part was when the actors playing the character (Louise aka Rae) were representing her’s anger to the world and cutting everyone off. The rage presented her struggles in one scene and what I think is her thoughts when going through her head at this hard time.
In my eyes I saw so much symbolism in this place. For example, I interpreted having three women instead of one implied that each of the actors played a different version of her when she was going through first being diagnosed with MS. I think it represented her not knowing who she was during this time. However, I think the actors wearing bright, funky, colourful clothes suggesting that even though she was diagnosed with MS, she was still a fun and lively person and could still have fun.
By Holly